
A zero-to-sixty guide on getting up to speed with the KTypes Library.

Getting Started

Install the KTypes library with pip

$ python3 -m pip install ktypes

To use the KTypes library, import the types submodule:

from ktypes import types

All known types, primitive and user-defined, are available as attributes of the types module. This provides a simple interface by which the formal types can be accessed while avoiding name collisions between Python objects and KTypes types.

Primitive Types

Currently KTypes supports three primitive types; str, int, and float which can be accessed by attributing the types module. Using the same syntax to construct instances of standard Python objects, we can construct a new token of a known type. All we need to supply is a data instance matching the type we want to construct (e.g. for an int, we would supply a Python int), but when in doubt, KTypes constructors all support ingesting a string format as the data instance”

x =
y ="53")

# 42 : int

# 53 : int

Primitive types support basic operations (+|-|*|/) in the obvious way. If an operation is not generally well defined (e.g. subtracting strings), a library error will be thrown. Similarly, applying a basic operation on two tokens of different types will always throw an error. Unlike C/C++ or Java, KTypes does not support type coercion.

x =
y =

a = types.str("hello")
b = types.str("world")

print(x * y)
# 48 : int

print(a + b)
# helloworld : str

Primitive types can be converted back to standard Python objects to perform unsafe operations as well by using the .value attribute of the token. In general, this is not encouraged. All type conversions should be done using the KTypes type-casting system (underdevelopment)

x =
y = + x.value)

# 3

# 12 : int


In addition to type annotations for data, KTypes also supports type annotations for functions defined between formally typed data. Using the types.function decorator, we can mark standard Python methods as formally typed functions and use these functions in formally typed settings.

In order for the function decorator to behave properly, decorated functions must be fully type specified using the annotation syntax introduced in Python 3

def twice(x : ->
    return x + x

twice : int -> int

In the example above, we decorate the fully-annotated method twice to convert it into a formally typed function. The syntax for notating formal function types is borrowed from Haskell, as evidenced by the __str__ method defined for the decorated twice formal function object. As this notation implies, multiple argument formal function are in fact curried functions. Formal functions can be evaluated with either the traditional syntax, or with the more ‘correct’ curried notation

def sum(x :, y : ->
    return x + y

x =
y =

# sum : int -> int -> int

print(sum(x, y))
# 30 : int

# 30 : int

As expected, partial currying of an argument returns a partially evaluated function which can is still a formal function, and which can be used later. Borrowing the sum function from above:

add5 = sum(

# klambda<sum> : int -> int

y = add5(

# 20 : int

While there is no requirement that only formal function are used during data manipulations, best practice would have it that one ought always use formal functions to manipulate data. The strength of a formal type system is in the transparency and confidence it provides when manipulating data. These benefits would be lost if standard Python methods were used instead.


Beyond the primitive types and formal function types, the KTypes library also supports the type-theoretic construction of product and coproduct types, or, equivalently, “and” and “or” types, respectively. These methods of constructing new types gives the KTypes ecosystem the additional level or expressivity and richness required to represent most data schemas.

Product Types

The first construction is the (Cartesian) Product. Whereas Formal Type Theory defines this procedure to be a binary operation on two component types, due to the prevalence of product types in real world applications, the KTypes library treats all product types as n-products, thus avoiding the unnecessary syntax required to iteratively apply a binary product type constructor.

Constructing a product type is remarkably simple. A dict is used to encode all information required to express the n-product, and passing the dict into the types module is sufficient for the library to complete the type inference and construct the appropriate type.

Because two components of an n-product can be the same type, a unique identifier would be required to distinguish between them. Solving for this problem, all n-products are defined with named components. A dict handles this association perfectly.

schema = {
    "name": types.str,

The above schema defines the information necessary to infer a 2-product type containing both str and int types. To the object oriented programmer, this type of construction should bear a striking resemblance to defining a class. The keys in the dict correspond to the attribute names and the values correspond to the formal type of each attribute.

Given such a dict such as schema from above, constructing a product type is easy:

types.person = schema

# person

This syntax has two key requirements which are not immediately obvious.

  1. The attribute name of types which we are assigning to name the new product type, in this case, person, must not already be associated with a type. In other words, redefining named types is not a supported action, but defining a new type is.
  2. A dict must be supplied on the right hand side, and it must be well-formed. That is, it must have attribute names as keys and known types as values. Note that the known type values need not be primitive types.

Note also that the order provided in the dict is relevant to the definition of the n-product type, a different order will product a different n-product type.

A token of an n-product type can be constructed by supplying a dict very similar to the schema which was used to construct the n-product type, but replacing the values of the dict with actual tokens of the required type. Once a new type is defined, it can be accessed by attributing the types module. N-product types are constructed by the same syntax which constructs instances of standard Python objects. Note that the instance data supplied must be the appropriate dict or a type mismatch error will be thrown.

data = {
    "name": types.str("Charles"),

person_token = types.person(data)

# [Charles : str, 21 : int] : person

Coproduct Types

Coproduct types serve the same role as unions in C/C++ and Haskell. Following the logic of left/right injections which, in a formal Type-Theoretic setting, construct tokens of the coproduct type, the coproduct constructor is a binary operation on two known types. Currently the coproduct constructor is non-commutative, and thus the coproduct types A | B and B | A are distinct.

Coproduct types can also be understood as “or” types, hence the bar “or-operator” used in the syntax of the coproduct constructor. As a result, constructing a coproduct type is quite intuitive:

types.person_or_errormsg = types.person | types.str

# person | str

A token of a coproduct type can be constructed by passing in one of the allowable types of the coproduct into the constructor. Building on the previous examples:

coprod_token1 = types.person_or_errormsg(types.str("error"))
coprod_token2 = types.person_or_errormsg(person_token))

# inr(error : str) : person | str

# inl([Charles : str, 21 : int] : person) : person | str

Product Functions

Beyond grouping relevant data together, product types are also useful as they permit formally typed functions to be defined over them. Functions defined over product types can be single-domain typed to avoid any unnecessary complications with currying and multiple arguments.

The KTypes library includes a built-in product function constructor which takes in a curried formal function and outputs a single-domain typed formal function defined over the product type inferred from the input function’s signature.

As an example, give some function f : int -> int -> int, supplying f as the input to the KTypes product function constructor would yield a single-domain typed formal function defined on the product type int % int. In other words, we would obtain f' : int & int -> int which only takes one argument, a token of the product type int & int.

The product function construct can be called from the types module as demonstrated below:

# define the product type
types.int_pair = {

def sum(x :, y : ->
    return x + y

prod_sum = types.ind_prod(sum)

# sum : int -> int -> int

# klambda : int_pair -> int

Coproduct Functions

Similarly, the KTypes library gives the power to define functions out of coproduct types. The syntax is aliased to the pipe (|) operator, and provides a modular approach that allows reduces if/else clutter when defining such functions.

Given a coproduct type A | B and two functions f : A -> C and g : B -> C the KTypes library interprets the well-defined expression f | g as defining a new function out of the coproduct type A | B whose operation is uniquely defined by evaluating either f or g. In other words, f | g is a formally typed function and we express it as f | g : A | B -> C.


While Formal Type Theory does not distinguish between simple types, their closure under products/coproducts, and formal function types, the KTypes library does not currently permit the inclusion of formal functions in products/coproducts. Effectively, the library enforces a strict differentiation between data and data manipulations.

Thus, there should be no ambiguity when the pipe operator is used. When A is a simple type and f is a formal function, the operation A | f is not well defined an will throw an exception.

In defining formal functions out of coproduct types in this way, there are three requirements to ensure the well-formed-ness of the expression f | g.

  1. Both functions f and g must land in the same type.
  2. Both functions f and g must not be defined over the same domain.
  3. Both functions f and g must be single-domain typed functions. They may not curry arguments.

Of course it is assumed that both f and g are formal functions notated by the types.function decorator. The follow example shows this construction in practice:

types.int_or_str = | types.str

def f(x : -> types.str:
    return types.str("It is an integer")

def g(x : types.str) -> types.str:
    return types.str("String is '") + x + types.str("'")

to_str = f | g

# klambda : int | str -> str

token = types.int_or_str("hello")
# It was a string 'hello' : str


The KTypes library also provides functionality to define subtypes out of pre-existing types within the type universe. Subtypes are built from existing types but enforce a custom defined boolean predicate which is checked at runtime to ensure type-correctness.

Predicates can be user defined functions or lambda expressions, which take in as their sole argument the piece or raw data which should be evaluated, and returns true or false depending on if the raw data matches. Predicated types are created as follows using the .where(...) attribute method.

def is_na(raw_data):
    return raw_data == "N/A"

types.nan = types.str.where(predicate=is_na)

# False

# True

In the example above, we see that types.nan is a user-defined subtype of the primitive type str where the only token of the type is "N/A". Because predicates are simple Python methods, the provide additional power and usability to the KTypes framework. More complex predicates can enforce regex matching, gate ranges and specific values, or even be used to model enums.


The primary goal of the KTypes library is to facilitate the ingesting and processing of ad-hoc data formats. These are sources of data which result from possibly real-world sources which may be incomplete, corrupt, or unstandardized. Our goals is to bring these ad-hoc data formats into a well typed environment where reasoning and manipulations can be made precise.

As a result, the KTypes framework takes inspiration and follows much of the design as the PADS project. Specifically, we introduce a built-in parser to assist in the automated ingestion of ad-hoc data formats. Data can be directly parsed into a type using an instance of the the types.parser class, which takes in a known type and a parse format specification string.

A parse format specification string is a Python str which describes how a known type should be translated into a string raw data representation. Currently, the parser is only compatible with product types built from primitive/or types, but this is an active domain for development.

Each attribute of the product type should be enclosed in $ (dollar signs), and any non-enclosed characters are treated as delimiters which complete the data representation. The following example demonstrates a typical .csv format for the user product type.

types.user = {
    "name": types.str,
    "email": types.str,

parse_format = "$name$, $age$, $email$\n"

Given the user type and the parse_format as above, constructing a KTypes parser is simple:

parser = types.parser(types.user, parse_format)

The type specification and parse format specification are abstracted into separate entities to allow various data formats all to be parsed into the same underlying type, which reduces the need to modify downstream code. Thus, changes to the data source can in general be handled by updating the parse format, reducing the risk of propagating changes to downstream code and logic.

The parser can then be used to parse raw string data into well-formed known types. Specifically, parser will create tokens of the user type.

A parser has two methods of parsing raw string data: instance and stream


The .parse_instance(...) method takes in a Python str object and greedily parses out a single token. The following example illustrates how it works. Given the parser as defined above:

raw_data = "John Howerson, 42,\n ignored content"
result = parser.parse_instance(raw_data)

# [John Howerson : str, 42 : int, : str] : user

The output of .parse_instance(...), if the parsing succeeds, is a well-formed token of the type supplied when the parser was defined. This can then be used as an input to any formal function and all KTypes manipulations are supported.

Notice that raw_data must not totally match the type, and greedy parsing ensures that the longest-first matching substring of raw_data is used. Longest-first is the longest substring after the first match, where all in-between substrings are also matches.

In other words, the parse will keep consuming characters until a match is encountered. If the next (lookahead) character causes a match failure, then this substring will be used as the raw data instance; otherwise, the parser will continue consuming characters and building up the raw data instance until the lookahead token induces a match failure.


The KTypes parser is also available as a stream parser. Using the .parse_stream(...) method, the parser will ingest the supplied raw string data instance and store all parsed tokens as a list. This is a persistent list, so long as the reset argument is not set to True.

The .parse_stream(...) method returns a window to this persistent list after each call, thus all tokens can be obtained by saving the final return value of the method.

The following example demonstrates these two features.

raw_data1 = "John Howerson, 42,\nBob Billins, 23,\n"
result = parser.parse_stream(raw_data)

for r in result:
# [John Howerson : str, 42 : int, : str] : user
# [Bob Billins : str, 23 : int, : str] : user

result = parser.parse_stream("James Ray")
result = parser.parse_stream(", 31", ")
result = parser.parse_stream("\n")

for r in result:
# [John Howerson : str, 42 : int, : str] : user
# [Bob Billins : str, 23 : int, : str] : user
# [James Raw : str, 31 : int, : str] : user